Release Notes - 15 June 2022 Updates


Explore the new features added in this update!


Updated on: 15 June 2022

Feature Description
Guild, Community, Chapter (Cross-functional team) capability added to teams You can now create a cross-functional group like Guild or Chapter or community etc. in Lazsa. User can email or download these groups directly from user management of Lazsa. These groups/teams are non-product teams and they do not participate in any product. See Create Teams.
Jira Sprint can be selected while associating a product with a release On the “Join a Release” screen along with other release details, you can now select a sprint for the product which is populated from the Jira tool integrated with the platform. This allows you to view sprint-specific data in dashboards. See Join a Release
Custom fields and resource allocation is included in "Teams and Members" report in the dashboard The "Team and Members" Report now includes Resource Allocation and any custom fields that have been added. You can view the resource utilization with this enhancement. See Reports Dashboard.
“Resources by Group” widget of Teams dashboard is enhanced to include FTE details The "Resources by Group" widget of the Teams dashboard now includes FTE (full time employee) details. Depending on the % allocation of the resources, the effective FTE details are calculated and displayed to provide visibility into the resource utilization for a group. See Teams Dashboard.
Simplification of Dashboards

Dashboards are simplified to combine relevant information from different dashboards for better insights and accessibility:

  1. Team Maturity and Agility dashboards are now combined into Agility dashboard.

  2. Teams and Resources dashboards are now combined into Teams dashboard.

  3. Release Trains and Release Dependency dashboards are now combined into Release Trains dashboard. You can click to view the Release Dependency dashboard.

See Dashboards.

Global filters available in Teams dashboard The Teams dashboard now has global filters that can be applied to the default levels of the organization hierarchy. You can also include additional levels that are added in the organization hierarchy in the global filters. See Teams Dashboard.
Enhancement of filtering capability of User Management

The following enhancements are done to the filtering capability of User Management:

  • Filters are now available on all fields of the Users tab including Login Access.

  • “Select All” option is now available for all filters of user management.

See Users, Roles, Teams, and Organization Hierarchy.

Dynamic templates for CSV import of user During import of users through CSV file, custom fields can also be imported now. You must configure the required custom fields through Settings and then download the updated CSV template. Use the dynamic CSV template to import the users into the Lazsa Platform. See Import Users from CSV Files.
Terminology customization of Release Trains The term Release Trains seen on the UI can now be customized using Terminologies in Platform Setup > Settings of the Configuration workspace. For more information, see Terminology Settings.