Overview Dashboard

What information can I view from the Overview tab of dashboards?

The Overview tab of the dashboards workspace shows the following information:

  • KPIs for product lines, products, teams and release trains, along with drill-down for each
  • Product lines by number of products, product lines by value, and top 3 Product Lines by team size
  • Product lines by priority with drill-down
  • Products by customer segment with drill-down
  • Products by phase with drill-down

How do I view the Overview tab?

  1. Log on to the Lazsa platform and navigate to Dashboards.
  2. On the Overview tab, you can view the following information:

  • Product Lines- total number of product lines.
  • Products - total number of products across various product lines.
  • Teams - number of teams working on various products. Click on Teams to view a list of teams and the products that they are associated with.
  • Release Trains - number of release trains. Click on Release Trains to view the Release Trains Dashboard .

The widgets show the following information:

Product Portfolios by Number of Products

  • Shows a donut chart of product lines by number of products. Click on a product line for a drill-down view.
  • Product Portfolio by Value
  • (Click the arrow on Product Lines by Number of Products and then click Product Lines by Value.)
  • Shows product lines according to their respective value as well as total value and cost.

    Top 3 Product Lines by team size.

    Shows top 3 product lines that have the largest team size.

    Product Lines by Priority

    Shows a donut chart of product lines by the following priorities:

    • High
    • Medium
    • Low

    Click on the donut chart to view the list of products as per priority.

    Products by Persona Shows different personas according to the products that they are associated with. Click on the bar graph to view the list of associated products for each persona.
    Products by Business Group Shows a bar graph based on number of products associated with each business group. Click on a bar to view the list of products. Click on a product to view the product drill-down view.
    Products by Customer Segment Shows bar graphs of products according to the customer segment that they cater to. Click on a product to view the product drill-down view.
    Products by Phase Shows a donut chart of the phases in which various products are. Hover over a phase to view the number of products in the phase, click on the donut chart to view the list of products in the phase. Click on a product to view the product drill-down view.


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