Products drill-down Dashboard

When you click on the Products by Persona or Products by Phase widget and select a particular product from the list, you are navigated to the drill-down view of products.

This drill-down view shows the following details related to the selected product:

Phase The phase in which the product is currently - POC, MVP, Industrialization, Industrialized. See Matrix tab of Maturity Assessment settings.
Priority The current priority of the product - low, medium, high, critical.
Managed by The name of the team owner who manages the team.
Business Group The business group with which the product is associated.
Customer Segment The customer segment with which the product is associated.
Products Maturity by Release The product maturity score per release.
Features by Value The features of the product, their value and cost.
Features The number of features of the product. Click View Features for more details about features. Click View Roadmap to view the feature roadmap.
Team Members The total team members working on the product. Click View Members to view a list of the team members. Click View Team to view the team details.
Features by Priority The donut chart shows the product features based on their priority.
Features by Milestone This donut chart shows the milestones for this product, hover over a milestone to view the list of features for that milestone.


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