Configure Kubernetes Cluster Connection Details

You can deploy your containerized applications on a Kubernetes cluster from within the Lazsa Platform. Here we assume that you already have a running Kubernetes cluster.

Prerequisites and Required Permissions

The following table contains the details of the user inputs required in the Kubernetes cluster connection details in the Lazsa Platform and the permissions that must be assigned to the Kubernetes account.

User Input Required in Lazsa Required Permissions
  • Cluster name

  • Cluster URL

  • Certificate authority data

  • Token

  • Namespace- Create or list a namespace

  • Deployment- Create, update, or delete a deployment

  • Ingress - Create, update, or delete an ingress

  • HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA)- Create, update, or delete HPA


To access this cluster from within the Lazsa Platform, you must configure the cluster connection details as described in the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Lazsa Platform and click Configuration in the left navigation pane.
  2. On the Platform Setup screen, on the Cloud Platform, Tools & Technologies tile, click Configure.
  3. On the Cloud Platform, Tools & Technologies screen, in the Kubernetes section, click Configure.

    (After you save your first cluster connection details, you see the Modify button here.)

  4. Configure Kubernetes cluster connection details

  5. On the Kubernetes Cluster Configuration screen, in the Kubernetes tile, click CONFIGURE.
  6. Proceed to configure Kubernetes cluster connection details

  7. Configure the following cluster connection details and other options:
    • Configuration Name: Give a name to your configuration. Your Kubernetes cluster connection details are saved by this name in the Lazsa Platform.
    • Description: Provide a description of your configuration. When you save multiple connection details in the Lazsa Platform, a brief description always helps you identify the saved connection details easily.
    • Use one of the following options to provide authentication details of your Kubernetes cluster:
    • Ingress Controller (Optional)
      In this section, you can configure the details of an ingress controller which can be used as a predefined configuration for all deployments that are done in your Kubernetes cluster from within the Lazsa Platform.
      As per your requirements and policies, you can allow or disallow modifications to this configuration at a stage level in the Deploy phase.

      To provide the details of an ingress controller, do the following:

      1. Click Configure.
      2. In the Configure Ingress Controller side drawer, do the following:
        1. In the Ingress Controller Class list, select a class to target your desired ingress controller instance.
        2. Provide the ingress controller IP or DNS address, or the host name.
          • In the Host Name field, provide a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
            The following are the guidelines for a valid host name:

            • Your host name must be between 1 and 63 ASCII characters in length.
            • It may contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), '.', and '-'.
            • It must start and end with a lowercase letter or a number.
            • Your FQDN can be up to 253 ASCII characters long.

          • If you provide both a host name and an ingress controller address, the host name takes precedence when displaying the live URL, and the ingress controller address is ignored.

          • If you leave the Host Name field empty, it is assumed to be "*" (wildcard), and the ingress controller address becomes the live URL.

        3. Allow modification to ingress controller configuration in Deploy workflow
          If this toggle is on, the global ingress controller configuration can be modified at the stage level in the Deploy phase. To restrict any changes to the configuration, turn it off.

          Configure the details of global ingress controller for all deployments within the Kubernetes cluster

        4. Click Configure.
          The configured ingress controller details are listed on your Kubernetes cluster connection details screen. In the saved ingress controller configuration details, click the ellipsis (...) to do the following:

          More actions on saved ingress controller confguration details

    • Prometheus Monitoring of Kubernetes Cluster (Optional)

      Prometheus and Grafana provide monitoring and visualization capabilities within Kubernetes clusters. Prometheus collects metrics, while Grafana offers customizable dashboards for data visualization.

      1. Turn on this toggle to install Prometheus and Grafana in your Kubernetes cluster.
      2. In the Grafana Password field, set a strong password for your Grafana dashboard. Ensure the password is between 8 to 20 characters long and includes at least one number (0-9), one upper-case letter (A-Z), one lower-case letter (a-z), and one special character (!@#$%^&()+=*).

      3. The installation starts after you click Save and Activate and takes some time to complete.

      After you deploy a technology by using the Kubernetes Cluster mode in the Deploy phase, in the technology deployment details, you can access the monitoring URL, which takes you to the Grafana interface.

      Sign in to Grafana by using admin as the username and the password you set in step 2 earlier. You can then view your Kubernetes cluster infrastructure metrics and performance data on the Grafana dashboards.

    • Secure configuration details with a password
      To password-protect your Kubernetes cluster connection details, enable the Secure configuration details with a password option, enter a password, and then retype it to confirm.

      This is optional but recommended. When you share the connection details with multiple users, password protection helps you ensure authorized access to the connection details.

    • Click Test Connection to check if you can connect to the configured Kubernetes cluster successfully.

    • After you save and activate the configured connection details, you can see them listed on the Cloud Platform, Tools & Technologies screen.

With this, you are all set to connect with your Kubernetes cluster from within the Lazsa Platform. You can select this cluster when you deploy your tech stack. You may want to configure the next tool required for your product development.

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