Configure Connection Details of Secrets Management Tools

As a security best practice, you store sensitive data such as database credentials, application credentials, authentication tokens, API keys, and other secrets in a secrets management tool. To access the tools and technologies in your cloud environments from within the Lazsa Platform, the platform must have authenticated access to your secrets management tool. You must provide the connection details of your secrets management tool in the Lazsa Platform and assign the read-only permissions to the Lazsa Platform in your secrets management tools.

Currently , the Lazsa Platform supports the following secrets management tools:

  • AWS Secrets Manager

  • Azure Key Vault

To provide the connection details of secrets management tools in the Lazsa Platform, perform these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Lazsa Platform and click Configuration in the left navigation pane.

  2. On the Platform Setup screen, on the Cloud Platform, Tools & Technologies tile, click Configure.
  3. On the Cloud Platform, Tools & Technologies screen, in the Vault Configuration section, click Configure.

    (After you save connection details for at least one secrets management tool, you see the Modify button here.)

  4. On the Vault Configuration screen, click the AWS Secrets Manager tile or the Azure Key Vault tile to configure the connection properties of your active accounts for these tools.

    Click CONFIGURE to Add Connection Properties of secrets management tools

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