Configure OpenShift Container Platform Connection Details

Red Hat OpenShift is an open-source container application platform for developing and hosting enterprise-grade applications. You can deploy your containerized applications on your OpenShift clusters from within the Lazsa Platform. Here we assume that you already have a running OpenShift cluster.

Prerequisites and Required Permissions

The following table contains the details of the user inputs required in the OpenShift cluster connection details in the Lazsa Platform and the permissions that must be assigned to the OpenShift account.

User Input required in Lazsa Required Permissions
  • Cluster Name

  • Cluster URL

  • Certificate authority data

  • Token

  • Namespace- Create or list a namespace

  • Deployment- Create, update, or delete a deployment

  • Ingress - Create, update, or delete ingress

  • Routes- Create, update, or delete routes

  • HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA)- Create, update, or delete HPA

To access this cluster from within the Lazsa Platform, you must configure the cluster connection details as described in the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Lazsa Platform and click Configuration in the left navigation pane.

  2. On the Platform Setup screen, on the Cloud Platform, Tools & Technologies tile, click Configure.
  3. On the Cloud Platform, Tools & Technologies screen, in the OpenShift Container Platform section, click Configure.

    (After you save your first cluster connection details, you see the Modify button here.)

    Configure OpenShift connection details

  4. On the OpenShift Container Platform screen, click the OpenShift Container Platform tile.
  5. Provide the following cluster connection details:
    • OpenShift Configuration Name: Give a local name to your configuration. Your OpenShift account connection details are saved by this name in the Lazsa Platform.
    • Cluster Name: Enter the name of your OpenShift cluster.
    • OpenShift Cluster URL: Enter your OpenShift cluster URL.
    • You can authenticate to your OpenShift cluster by using the token or the Kubeconfig file. Use one of the following options to provide authentication details to access your OpenShift cluster:
    • Secure configuration details with a password
      To password-protect your OpenShift cluster connection details, enable the Secure configuration details with a password option, enter a password, and then retype it to confirm.

      This is optional but recommended. When you share the connection details with multiple users, password protection helps you ensure authorized access to the connection details.

    • Test Connection
      Click Test Connection to check if you can connect to the configured OpenShift cluster successfully.

    • After you save and activate the configured connection details, you can see them listed on the Cloud Platform, Tools & Technologies screen.

With this, you are all set to connect with your OpenShift cluster from within the Lazsa Platform. You can select this cluster to deploy your tech stack. You may want to configure the next tool required in your product development.

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