Configure Connection Details of Artifact Management Tools

Artifact management tool is an application designed to store, deploy, share, and manage binaries and artifacts generated during your software development life cycle and their metadata. These artifacts include container images, java artifacts, binary artifacts, and software packages, among others. The Lazsa Platform integrates your artifact management tools with the built-in automated CI/CD pipeline to ensure a seamless build and deployment process.

Currently , the Lazsa Platform supports the following artifact management tools:

  • Amazon ECR

  • JFrog Artifactory

  • Azure ACR

To provide the connection details for artifact management tools in the Lazsa Platform, perform these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Lazsa Platform and click Configuration in the left navigation pane.

  2. On the Platform Setup screen, on the Cloud Platform, Tools & Technologies tile, click Configure.
  3. On the Cloud Platform, Tools & Technologies screen, in the Artifactory Management section, click Configure.

    (After you save connection details for at least one artifactory management tool, you see the Modify button here.)

    Configure connection details of Artifact Management Tools

On the Artifactory Management screen, click the Amazon ECR tile or the JFrog tile or the Azure ACR tile to configure the connection properties of your active accounts for these tools.

Now that your artifact management tool is configured, you may want to add other tools required to manage your product development life cycle.


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