View Product Portfolio Details

The Product Portfolio screen provides detailed information and the product portfolio and the products associated with it. It consists of the following two tabs:

  • Details - this shows information related to the product portfolio.

    Field Description

    Product Portfolio name

    Name of the product portfolio.

    Created on and Created by The date on which the product portfolio is created and the name of the user who created it.


    The priority set for the portfolio.

    Product Portfolio Value (in million US dollars) The value of the portfolio.
    Description Description of the product portfolio.
    Business Outcome The desired business outcome from the concept or idea.
    Strategy The business strategy for the portfolio.
    Owners & Stakeholders Owners of the portfolio and stakeholders added to the portfolio.
    Custom Fields Mandatory custom fields that need to be added to the portfolio.
  • Products - this shows a list of products that are associated with the product portfolio.


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