Configure Maturity Assessment Settings

The Lazsa Platform provides you with a powerful mechanism to assess the maturity levels of your organization, your products, and teams. To initiate and conduct these assessments, you must first configure the maturity assessment settings. In this topic, let us understand how to set up and customize your assessments.

As an administrator of the Lazsa platform, follow these steps to configure the maturity assessment settings:

  1. Sign in to the Lazsa Platform and click Configuration in the left navigation pane.
  2. On the Platform Setup screen, on the Maturity Assessment tile, click Manage.

    Lazsa Platform Setup screen

  3. On the Maturity Assessment screen, do the following on each tab:

Preview All Questions

Before you initiate maturity assessment, you may want to preview the questions and the options that you have configured. To preview your configured questions, click Preview All Questions.

Preview All Questions button

Previewing questions helps you identify any errors or inconsistencies in the questions or options that might have been missed during the configuration process.

Preview assessment questions

You can always go back to the respective questions and modify them as required. This helps in maintaining the quality and accuracy of the assessment questionnaire.

Manage All Questions

For a consolidated view of the assessment questions configured for various categories and subcategories, click Manage All Questions.

Manage All Questions

On the Questionnaire Management screen, all your configured questions are categorized under Organization, Product, and Team tabs. This consolidated view provides essential details like question type, category, subcategory, creator (System or user), and timestamp.

You can search for specific questions by typing the question text in the search bar. To narrow down your search, you can apply filters based on category, subcategory, creator, timestamp, or question type. You can turn on or turn off the toggle switch for a question to include it in or exclude it from the questionnaire. You can click the ellipsis in the extreme right in the question row and edit any question as required. Thus, Questionnaire Management simplifies the process of managing and organizing your assessment questions effectively.

Thus, by configuring your Maturity Assessment settings as discussed in this topic, you are ready to initiate assessments and gain insights into the maturity levels of your organization, products, and teams.

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