First 24 Hours (F24H) Wizard

After you sign up for a Lazsa free trial account, you receive a welcome email on your registered email address requesting you to reset your password. After you reset the password, you can sign in to the F24H wizard by using your registered email address and your new password.

To perform the configuration steps in the F24H wizard, do the following:

Get Started

On the welcome screen, click Get Started.

As an Administrator, you perform the following initial configuration tasks in the First 24 Hours (F24H) wizard to set up the Lazsa Platform for you and other users in your organization.

Select authentication type

As a first step, select the type of authentication using which you want to prove your digital identity to the Lazsa Platform. Select one of the following options:

Selecting type of authentication in F24H Wizard

Federated Authentication

If you choose Federated Authentication, that means, for user authentication in the Lazsa Platform, you want to use the identity data that is already stored in an identity and access management solution that Lazsa supports. Thus, you do not need to create separate sign-in credentials for your Lazsa users. That’s why, after you select the Federated Authentication option, Single Sign On (SSO) is enabled by default. Do not disable this option.

Currently, we support the following identity provider solutions. Choose either of the two and click Proceed.

  • Microsoft Active Directory
  • Microsoft Azure AD

Depending on your preferred identity provider solution, perform the following steps.

Platform-Managed Authentication

Choosing this option means you want the Lazsa Platform to manage user authentication for you.

  1. On the Add Domain screen, add the domains of which you want to add users to the Lazsa Platform.

  2. Click Next.

  3. On the Import/Add users screen, click Manual.

  4. On the Add Users to the Platform screen, click Add.
  5. Type the user details such as name, valid email address, and country.

  6. Click Add.
  7. After you add all the intended users, click Done and then click Proceed.

  8. On the Two-Factor Authentication screen, select the Email OTP Based option. This step is optional. Enabling two-factor authentication provides an additional layer of security for users signing in to the platform. You can skip it and enable this option later. See Two-factor Authentication.

    Now, it’s time to assign Administrator role to the users that you added.

  9. On the Select Administrators screen, from the dropdown list, select the users to whom you want to assign the administrator role and click Configure.

  10. A summary page provides the details of total users added and administrator roles assigned. Click Finish.


    After you configure the platform-managed user authentication, the credentials using which you signed in to the F24H wizard will not work anymore. The administrator that you selected in the earlier step can sign in to the Lazsa Platform and add other users to the platform.