Run and Monitor a Data Pipeline

After you have created a data pipeline you can run the data pipeline, monitor the pipeline runs and view the logs to understand the errors that may have occurred during the data pipeline run.

  1. In Data Pipeline Studio, click Run to run the data pipeline. You can terminate a job run by clicking Pause. Refresh to view the updated status of the data pipeline run.
  2. Click View Details to view the data pipeline run details. On the Pipeline Runs screen, select the following options:
    1. Pipeline Version - Select the version of the pipeline for which you want to view the details.
    2. Last 3 runs - Select run to view details - Select the run from the last 3 runs, for which you want to view the details.
  3. After you select the pipeline version and pipeline run, you can view the following details:
    1. Status of the pipeline run.
    2. Run Time
    3. Start Time
    4. End Time
    5. The source and target for the pipeline run and the number of records that are processed.
    6. When you click View Logs you are navigated to the login page of the relevant technology. Use your login credentials and view the logs.
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