Edit Team

You can edit details of the team and team members as well as view the history of the selected team using the Edit option.

Edit team details

What are the different tasks that I can perform using the Edit option?

You can send an email to all current team members and download the list of team members to a CSV file. Apart from this you can also perform the following tasks:

Tab Name Description
Team Details

Edit the following details related to the team:

  • Description

  • Link the team with an agile board

  • Associate a team with the defined organization hierarchy:

    • Group

    • Domain

    • Product Line

    • Product

  • Custom Fields

  • Search team members

  • Add member

    • Select the member and assign a role to add a new member.

    • Set the allocation period.

    • Add any required custom fields.

  • Expand the sections for Past, Current, and Future members. Click the ellipsis (...) and edit or remove a member.


View details of updates done to the team like adding members, removing members and so on.

Click View Members to know the current composition of the team.

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