Import Users from Active Directory

Apart from importing users into the Lazsa Platform using the First 24 Hours wizard, you can also add users from the Users, Roles, and Teams screen by one of the following methods:

The Users tab shows a list of all the users that are added to the platform. You can filter the users based on the type of role, company, skillset, cost area and so on.

Adding users through active directory

  1. Log on to the Lazsa Platform and click Configuration.

  2. On the Platform Setup screen, click Manage on the Users, Roles & Teams tile.

  3. On the Users tab click the drop-down for Add Users and select Import from Active Directory.

  4. You can perform the following additional tasks related to users:

    1. Search for a specific user.

    2. Filter users by location.

    3. Synchronize users with active directory. The new users are added to the existing list of users.

    4. Add users - you can add the new users synced from AD into the Lazsa platform. After adding the user, the login status is deactivated. You must activate it.

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