Release Notes - 5 August 2022 Updates

Explore the new features added in this update!


Updated on: 5 August 2022


Feature Description
Support for adding documents at product level The Lazsa platform now supports adding documents like business requirements and architecture documents at the product level. From the Documents screen, user is able to filter documents on various fields like Added by, Document Type, and Added on.
Enhanced experience for creation of new feature The experience of creating a new feature is enhanced with the ability to link the feature with epics, stories, and features from Jira apart from adding the other required details of the feature.
Optional custom attributes can now be deleted Custom attributes that are optional can now be deleted in the Lazsa Platform. An audit log entry is created on deletion of the custom attribute.
Ability to group maturity assessment per respondent For any type of Maturity Assessment in the Lazsa Platform, assessments are now grouped together based on respondents. If one respondent has been assigned various categories and sub-categories in an assessment, the respondent will receive a single combined email and notification for all of them.
New Report available for allocation of resources according to products The Dashboards > Reports section of the Lazsa Platform now has a new report Resource Allocation by Product. This report lists the month-wise resource allocation based on cost areas for a product line and associated products.
User Management improvements in Lazsa
  • The Users tab of User Management now provides an option View History that shows all changes done to a user that include adding user to a team, removing user from a team, activating a user, off boarding a user, sending an email to a user.

  • In the Teams tab of User Management you can now apply filters on the organization hierarchy.

  • The Users tab now supports sorting on Custom Fields added to user details.

Lazsa Platform tools support extended to additional tools

The Lazsa Platform now integrates with the following tools:

  • Django 3.2.14

  • Fastapi 0.79.0

  • Python 3.9.1

  • Vue.js 3.2.13

  • Nuxt.js 2.15.8

Gitlab tool now supported by Lazsa Orchestrator Agent The Lazsa Platform now supports connectivity to DevOps tool Gitlab through the Orchestrator Agent.
Support for bulk load and incremental load of data using SnowFlake as integration layer The Data Pipeline Studio now supports bulk load and incremental load of data from S3 to SnowFlake using SnowFlake as an integration layer. The data pipeline run can be configured for a manual run.


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