Release Notes - 20 August 2022 Updates

Explore the new features added in this update!


Updated on: 20 August 2022


Feature Description
Enhancements in Feature and Roadmap view The Feature view in Products is enhanced to provide grid view as well as list view. Both the views include details like priority, status, customer, and due date. If the feature is associated with a release, the release details like release name, release date, status, and stage are also provided. Feature Roadmap can be viewed by week, month, quarter, and year as a Gantt chart with release details of associated releases.
Filtering capability for Reports

The following reports are now enhanced with filtering capability:

  • User Details

  • Teams and Members

  • Resource Allocation by Team

  • Resource Allocation by Product

You can use filters on fields like Login Access, Allocation (%), Platform Role, Country, and Skillset to view specific information about users.

Enhancements in Confluence integration with Lazsa Platform

The integration of Confluence with a product in the Lazsa Platform is now enhanced to provide additional features. The Administrator can allow creation of workspaces using a toggle button. If the toggle is enabled, users can select an existing space or create a new one.

Note: The product must be associated with a wikispace in Confluence to use this functionality.

Support for opening a link from the Platform in a new tab of the browser The Lazsa Platform now supports opening links from within the Platform in new tabs of the browser. The areas that are currently covered include workspaces in the left navigation pane, options in landing page of the Platform, Portfolio landing page and details page, Product landing page and details page. This support will be extended to other areas of the Platform in the subsequent releases.
Data filtering support in AppFlow connectors Data Pipeline Studio of Lazsa now supports filtering of data coming from ServiceNow or Salesforce in to AWS AppFlow on any fields of a selected object, before it is ingested into S3. Using the filtering capability you can ingest just the required data into S3.
Support for connectivity to Amazon AppFlow through Lazsa Orchestrator Agent The Lazsa Platform now supports connectivity to SaaS applications like Salesforce and ServiceNow with Amazon AppFlow through the Lazsa Orchestrator Agent with cross-account connectivity.
Support for Snowflake auto ingestion or streaming Lazsa Data Pipeline Studio now supports auto ingestion of streaming data using Snowflake with append, overwrite and merge options.
Support for data transformation using Snowflake Lazsa Data Pipeline Studio now supports data transformation using Snowflake with join, union, and aggregate functions.
Support for No-code Data Transformation using Databricks from S3 to S3 You can create a No-code Data Transformation job from S3 to S3 using Databricks if the source and target are configured.


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