View Feature Details

The Features tab of the product screen provides a grid view as well as list view with details like priority, status, due date, customers, agile stories, and release to which the feature is attached.

You can click a feature to open a side drawer and view all the details including the stages added to a feature. You can click the agile stories and log in to the agile tool to view details, if you have access to the agile tool. The feature includes the following details:

Option Description

This section provides information about the following:

  • Created by

  • Description

  • Release Name

  • Priority

  • Status

  • Due Date

  • Stage

  • Customers

View More Details Click this to navigate to the Feature screen.
Stages View the stages that are added to this feature.
Business Requirements View a list of business requirements that are part of the feature. You can search for a specific business requirement or apply filters to narrow down your search.
Stories View a list of agile stories related to the feature. You can click a story to log in to the agile tool and view the details of the story. You can search for a specific story or apply filters to narrow down your search.
Ellipsis (...)

Options related to the feature:

  • View Details or Edit
  • Delete
  • Traceability Map


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