What Is Lazsa Orchestrator Agent?

Lazsa Orchestrator Agent is a set of four REST API-based microservices that runs in your cloud account. To connect to tools and technologies in your private environment, REST API requests are sent from the Lazsa Platform. Lazsa Orchestrator Agent responds to these REST API calls and connects to your secrets management tool, where you store the credentials for the tools and technologies deployed in your private environment. The agent resolves the secrets (credentials) and establishes a secure connection between the tools and the Lazsa Platform. In this entire process, tools' credentials are never shared with the platform.

You can install the Lazsa Orchestrator Agent on the following cloud platforms depending on your tools and technologies ecosystem:


Components of Lazsa Orchestrator Agent

The following table contains the component microservices of the Lazsa Orchestrator Agent and their functions. All these microservices together are responsible for resolving tools secrets from your secrets management tool.

Component What It Does
Agent Service This is a thin client which forwards the REST API requests received from the Lazsa Platform to tools deployed in your cloud environment.
Management Service

This microservice registers the Lazsa Orchestrator Agent with the Lazsa Platform.

It validates the API key before processing each REST API request coming from the Lazsa Platform. It is also responsible for the regeneration of the API key.

See API Key Validation for Lazsa Orchestrator Agent.

Data Service

This microservice helps the Lazsa Platform connect to data tools such as Databricks, Amazon S3, RDBMS, and Snowflake, among others.

See Tools Supported by Lazsa Orchestrator Agent.

DevOps Service

This microservice helps the Lazsa Platform connect to DevOps tools such as Jenkins and Kubernetes.

See Tools Supported by Lazsa Orchestrator Agent.


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