What is Lazsa?

Calibo’s Lazsa is an end-to-end, cloud-based, self-service development platform, which helps enterprises simplify and accelerate their product development and data engineering life cycle, from ideation to operationalization. Enterprises across the world of all sizes can realize faster time to market for their digital and data initiatives by leveraging Calibo’s Lazsa platform. It improves developer experience and productivity by leveraging best-in-breed technology, toolchains, out-of-the-box processes, and intelligent automation. It is a single platform for all stakeholders including Product Managers, Data Scientists, Data Engineers, DevOps Engineers, Agile Process Owners, and Developers.

Lazsa: A unified platform for multiple stakeholders

The Lazsa Platform comes with multiple capabilities like Application Development, Product Release Orchestration, Data Intelligence Studio, and Integrated DevSecOps. The open integration layer of the platform allows enterprises to integrate with their existing technology ecosystem –cloud platforms, data analytics technologies, DevOps toolchain and so on.

Platform Offerings

The Lazsa Platform helps enterprises expedite their digital innovation journey in several key ways.

What Lazsa Platform provides

Development Environment Provisioning

The Lazsa Platform automates provisioning of the development environment for cloud-native application and data pipelines. It provides the following key capabilities:

  • Cloud Infrastructure Provisioning

    The platform streamlines cloud resource provisioning for cloud-native applications and data pipelines. It creates cloud machines for Docker deployments and sets up compute infrastructure, including clusters and warehouses for data ingestion.

  • Tools Provisioning

    The platform automates creation of tools-specific objects, such as repositories and workspaces. This helps developers and teams working on cloud-native applications and data pipelines get started quickly. You can set up the necessary development environments and tools within the platform, reducing the time and effort required for manual configurations.

  • User Provisioning

    The Lazsa Platform offers robust user management capabilities, allowing you to create project teams and assign roles and permissions to users. All of this can be accomplished from a single, user-friendly interface. Centralized control makes user management straightforward and efficient.

  • Access Provisioning

    The Lazsa Platform simplifies user onboarding with role-based access control (RBAC). Administrators define roles, permissions, and tool-specific access, ensuring new team members are seamlessly added with the right permissions based on their roles, streamlining the onboarding process for immediate access to resources and tools.

Standardization and Enforcement of Development Standards Through Policy Template

You can define policy templates that act as guardrails for the development team. These templates help you standardize the use of development tools and infrastructure tools. By making these tools readily available to the entire team through an enforced policy template, administrators can ensure a cohesive and efficient development environment.

  • Development Standards

    You can establish development standards and guidelines that serve as a framework for your development team and other stakeholders. These standards not only promote consistency in development practices but also ensure that only approved tools and technologies are used in the development process.

  • Deployment Standards

    You can define different deployment configurations for various environments such as Dev, QA, and Production. You can specify deployment modes like Docker and Kubernetes, and also determine the tool accounts that your teams must use for application development.

  • Branching Strategy

    You can use the branch template to define the number of branches to be created in your source code repository tool. This ensures proper governance is established, and the necessary repositories and branches are created right from the start of your cloud-native application development.

  • Workflow Templates

    You can create approval workflows for critical activities such as product and portfolio creation, release creation, technology deployment and user management, among others. This ensures that the critical activities are reviewed and approved before they are used in the development process. Workflows help you streamline processes, enhance security, and ensure better governance related to the critical activities across the platform.

  • Data Ingestion Crawlers and Data Catalogs

    The Lazsa Platform allows you to set up data ingestion crawlers and data catalogs to connect to existing sources and collect the schema and metadata. Pre-created crawlers and catalogs can be used by data engineers to build data pipelines.

  • Cloud Infrastructure Capacity Planning

    The various machine configuration settings in the platform enable you to optimize your infrastructure usage, adhere to budget constraints, and make efficient decisions when deploying your tech stack or applications to cloud accounts.

Release Management

The Lazsa Platform offers a comprehensive set of features and tools that streamline and simplify the entire product development and release life cycle. From release planning and multi-release management to dependency tracking and insightful release dashboards, the Lazsa Platform empowers you to efficiently manage your products, ensure smooth release execution, and maintain a clear overview of progress.

  • Portfolio Management

    The Lazsa Platform enables you to create your business portfolios with strategy, outcome, product value, and priority. Moreover, you can track and monitor status of products by portfolio by actionable and insightful dashboards.

  • Manage Release Trains

    Managing complex projects often involves coordinating multiple releases and ensuring they align with your product roadmap. The Lazsa Platform enables you to define and manage release trains, which helps you in orchestrating these releases effectively.

  • Managing Product Roadmap

    The Lazsa Platform allows you to manage your product roadmap through release calendars. This means you can plan the journey from concept to deployment, ensuring that you are in control of every step in the process.

  • Dependency Management

    The Lazsa Platform helps you identify and manage interdependencies between products, features, and their corresponding planned releases. This ensures a complete visibility into the entire release process with interdependencies.

Development Across 4Ds

The life cycle of a product in the Lazsa Platform is divided into the following phases. The phases allow your business and technology teams to seamlessly integrate, execute, and monitor the progress of various concurrent products in your business portfolio.

  • Define

    As a first step, you define your business requirements with their priority levels, impact, estimated value and other additional attributes and tags required. You can group your product based on the tags. After the requirement is defined, you add the epics, features and stories to your Agile project.

  • Design

    You can then create or upload artifacts associated with the product like UI mockups, product architecture diagrams and share them at a central location. You can also initiate approval workflows for the design documents to ensure that they are approved when the developers pick them up for coding.

  • Develop

    In this phase, you choose the type of application that you want to develop - web application, data analytics application and so on. Then select the technology stack according to the application type. Then you can start coding in an IDE of your choice. You can deploy your reviewed code in a Kubernetes cluster or Docker container based on your requirement.

  • Deploy

    In this phase, you create the deployment workflow, add and configure deployment stages, for example, Dev, QA, Preprod, UAT, and Prod and then promote your code through these stages.

  • Traceability

    The Lazsa Platform provides complete traceability into your requirements from concept to deployment from releases to requirements to stories to pipelines to code commits. This enhanced traceability results in quicker defect resolution, improved version control, and enhanced documentation practices.

Deployment and Monitoring


  • Automated CI/CD Pipeline Setup & Provisioning

    The Lazsa Platform automates the complete CI/CD Pipeline across the DevSecOps life cycle from code, commit, code scanning, test, artifact scanning, and deployment.

  • Multi Cloud Deployment

    The platform supports deployment of cloud-native applications to various leading cloud computing platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure.

  • Modes of Deployment

    You can deploy your applications by using any of the following deployment modes based on your requirements.

    • Kuberentes

      You can connect to your existing active Kubernetes clusters and deploy your applications from within the platform.

    • Docker

      In this mode, the virtual machines are created in your cloud account to support the application deployment.

    • Terraform

      The platform integrates with your Terraform Cloud account allowing you to trigger your infrastructure-as-code scripts to spin up the resources in your cloud environment.

    • OpenShift

      You can connect with your existing OpenShift cluster and deploy your applications.

  • Change Management

    Platform is integrated with change management tools like ServiceNow for creating tickets for deployment activities.

  • Code Quality & CI/CD Pipeline Status

    The platform provides statistics related to bugs in the repositories, drill-down by type of bugs, code coverage through unit testing, or how quickly pull requests are completed. It gives you an idea about the overall security issues in code repositories, and best practices being followed by the team. You can view statistics for a selected product, features, tech stack repositories, and branch for the specified timeline.

    The platform also helps you track the health and efficiency of pipelines to ensure continuous delivery to your customers. The various widgets provide visibility into statistics such as average pipeline execution time, pipeline failure rate, deployment failure rate, build failure reasons for a specific timeline and selected product, feature, repository, stage. These granular insights help you improve the overall efficiency of your pipeline.

  • Agile Metrics

    The platform provides visibility of the performance of the team across sprints during the development of a product or application. It provides insights about areas of improvement in sprints by providing detailed analysis. It shows data related to average sprint hit rate, sprint velocity, sprint burndown, scope change, sprint burnup, sprint duration and so on.

In summary, the Lazsa Platform expedites the digital innovation journey for enterprises by providing tools and features that optimize development processes, enhance security, and automate key tasks. It empowers development teams to work more efficiently and effectively, resulting in faster time-to-market for innovative solutions.

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