Lazsa Use Cases

Lazsa is a self-service product development platform with multiple capabilities that help you achieve several business use cases. This sections lists down a few important use cases like Portfolio and Product Management, Release Orchestration, Product Development with DevSecOps that you can achieve using the Lazsa Platform

Portfolio and Product Management

In today’s data-driven world, the more data and visibility you have, the better the decision making. The success of your business is defined by the choice of products you make, type of customer segments you cater to, and markets by geography that you target. Aligning requirements to business goals and prioritizing budgets and resources to value-driven products is instrumental in achieving the desired business outcome for your organization. For this you require portfolio management with a comprehensive view of all the products your company produces and portfolios with which the products are aligned. Portfolio management brings agility to manage market changes, competition, or even regulatory requirements.


Release Orchestration

With cloud computing, release cadence for products has moved from years and months to weeks. Fast- paced releases need a well-oiled engine to manage multiple products, releases and their inter-dependencies. A release train is a release calendar which is planned in advance and helps manage releases efficiently. Products and features align with the release train for better planning and execution.

Product Development with DevSecOps

Lazsa: the self-service product development platform helps various stakeholders within your organization through the idea-market journey of creating digital products, by enhancing productivity and quality, while ensuring security of the digital products that you create.

The productization journey goes through several stages and the Lazsa platform infuses governance and security at every stage by providing automation, templates, approval workflows, and industry-best practices, removing bottlenecks and accelerating the time to market of your products.

Data Pipeline Studio

This is the age of big data with a humongous amount of data getting generated every day through various channels. This data must be cleansed, processed, transformed, and analyzed to draw actionable insights. The data used for analysis or AI/ML models must be of high quality in order to make reliable and accurate business decisions. Lazsa’s Data Pipeline Studio helps you to create a data pipeline from source to visualization stages within a few clicks and with minimal coding requirements and provides accurate insights from the data.

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