Getting Started with the Lazsa Platform

Welcome to the Lazsa Platform, a one-stop solution for all your requirements for the digital product development lifecycle, from conceptualization to productization!

After a successful registration, you get access to your Lazsa subscription.

How do I know my Lazsa registration is successful?

After we activate your account, we send you a welcome email with the subject line: Registration Approved!

It’s time to start the First 24 Hours Wizard! You must have Administrator privileges to start this wizard.

This is where you perform the initial configuration to set up Lazsa for you and other users in your organization.

How do I launch the First 24 Hours Wizard?

  1. Click Get Started in the welcome email to log on to the Lazsa Platform. You are navigated to the Lazsa Platform and asked to create your password.
  2. Type your password, confirm it, and then click Create new password.

Get started with the Lazsa Platform

  1. On the Login page, type your registered email ID and your password and click Log in. On the Welcome page, click Get Started. This initiates the First 24 Hours (F24H) wizard.

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What's next? First 24 Hours Wizard