Data Analytics using Python with JupyterLab

Data analytics helps a business perform more efficiently, maximize profits, and make strategically guided decisions. It is an important stage in a pipeline of Data Pipeline Studio (DPS) that uses machine learning algorithms for analyzing the available data.

Data Pipeline Studio (DPS) provides the option of either using predefined algorithms like Random Forest Classifiers, Support Vector Classifier or creating custom algorithms according to the specific requirement.

DPS supports Python with JupyterLab for the data analytics stage with Snowflake or Amazon S3 as a data lake. You can create a data pipeline with the following combinations:

  • Data Lake (Snowflake) > Data Analytics (Python with JupyterLab) > Data Lake (Snowflake)

  • Data Lake (Snowflake) > Data Analytics (Python with JupyterLab) > Data Lake (Amazon S3)

  • Data Lake (Amazon S3) > Data Analytics (Python with JupyterLab) > Data Lake (Amazon S3)

  • Data Lake (Amazon S3) > Data Analytics (Python with JupyterLab) > Data Lake (Snowflake)

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