Agility Dashboard

The Agility tab of dashboards populates data related to the agile sprints for a particular team and product. The product should have joined a release that is part of a release train. The release should have sprints added to it.

  1. Log on to the Lazsa Platform and navigate to Dashboards > Agility tab.

  2. Select a team, product and sprints for which you want to view the agile dashboard.


    A private product is not visible in the dropdown for selection.

The KPIs of the agility dashboard provide the following information:

KPIs of Agility Dashboard

Open Issues - The total number of open defects across the selected sprints for the product.

Velocity - The amount of work delivered by the team during the period of the selected sprints.

Average Release Duration - The average of the total duration of the selected sprints.

Mean Time for Bug - The average time required for fixing defects during the selected sprints.

Average Release Hit Rate - The committed versus actual story points per release.

The various widgets of the agility dashboard provide the following information:

Dashboard Widget Description
Predictability shows the percentage of committed stories to completed stories for a sprint. In the adjacent image, the predictability is seen as 86.36%. Agility Dashboard - Predictability
Stories/Tasks Delivered shows the stories or tasks that are delivered in a sprint. Agility Dashboard - Stories or Tasks Delivered
Jira Quality Issues shows the defect logged for completed stories in a particular sprint. In the adjacent image, there are 9 defects in the particular sprint. Agility Dashboard - Jira Quality Issues
Agile Commitment - shows the percentage of completed stories against the total capacity. Agility Dashboard - Agile Commitment
Team Feedback - shows the score of team spirit and confidence of the team about other team members during the sprint. Agility Dashboard - Team Feedback
Sprint Burndown shows the ideal versus actual burndown for the selected sprint. Agility Dashboard - Sprint Burndown
Velocity & Commitment show the commitment versus actual velocity of the sprint in terms of story points. It also shows the predictability of the team in percentage. Agility Dashboard - Velocity and Commitment
Scope Change shows the statistics related to change in scope for a sprint in terms of story points - scoped, completed, added, removed, and spilled over. Agility Dashboard - Scope Change
Release Deviation shows the deviation in the number of days required to complete monthly sprints over a period of time. Release Deviation - Agility Dashboard
Sprint Scope Distribution shows the distribution of scope of the sprint in terms of how much effort was spent on stories, tasks (??), and bugs. Agility Dashboard - Sprint Scope Distribution
Sprint Duration shows the duration of the selected sprint. Agility Dashboard - Sprint Duration